We, Phil and Carol, are the husband-and-wife team behind Gaffney Studio, the heart and soul of this venture. By blending Phil's exceptional Photography talent with Carol's Strategic Branding mastery, each of us focusing on our areas of expertise to deliver high-quality images, we offer much more than just a photoshoot service. We are your partners in crafting a visual narrative that represents an essential investment in your brand's future success.

Our Mission?

At the heart of what we do is a simple yet powerful mission: to take photography and branding to a whole new level. We've developed a special way of doing things, blending Phil’s love for capturing images with Carol’s knack for strategic branding. This isn't just about randomly taking your pictures, it's about telling your brand's story in a way that really sticks and gives you an edge over the competition.

We're here to empower entrepreneurs and leaders like you to shine, turning your vision into a brand story that doesn't just attract attention, it draws in the exact clients you've been dreaming of.

Let us bring the authentic story of your brand to life through our lens, using expert Strategic Branding.

Carol Gaffney

Brand Strategist & Creative Director

Meet Carol, the heart and soul behind our brand's magic. She's not just your average branding expert; she's the creative powerhouse leading our photoshoots as the Brand Strategist and Photoshoot Creative Director.

Always staying ahead of the curve, Carol stays updated on the latest trends in brand strategy. When it comes to our photoshoots, Carol's the one who brings the magic to life. She's all about digging deep, capturing the essence of your brand, and turning it into captivating images that speak volumes.

Phil Gaffney

Co-Founder & Photographer

Phil excels not only in capturing images but in capturing the essence of your brand. His approach to photography goes beyond the conventional, providing a tailored experience that showcases the uniqueness of your brand.

Being camera shy himself, Phil prefers the role behind the lens, which significantly enhances his understanding and empathy towards clients who feel the same. This unique perspective ensures a comfortable and empowering photoshoot experience for those who are typically camera shy, as Phil brings his own experiences into play.

With his exceptional editing skills, Phil elevates every shot into a remarkable representation of your brand's distinct identity, ensuring you stand out in the market.